Safeteams is proud to partner with Zurich Resilience Solutions to offer their customers a safety management solution to reduce the risk profile and improve safety in their workplace.

The longstanding partnership involves a close working relationship where ZRS provides feedback on the latest industry trends to ensure Safeteams is meeting and exceeding the needs of customers

“This easy-to-use safety management platform from Safeteams is perfect for small to medium businesses who want something more substantial than ‘tick box’ safety, yet still be as quick, efficient and cost-effective. It’s versatile and modular so can be expanded when budgets permit or operations require.”

- Mervyn JW Rea, Head of Risk Engineering, Asia Pacific @ Zurich Resilience Solutions

“Safeteams improved our toolbox attendance to be consistently above 98% and boosted efficiency across a number of our core business units.

- Peter Shearer, GM Bulk Food Grade Division @ McColl’s Transport

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